
This disclosure page explains the potential future monetization of this personal website (the “Website”) and the associated disclosure practices. Please read this page carefully to understand how the Website may be monetized and the implications it may have on the content and recommendations provided.


At present, the Website does not engage in any monetization activities, such as sponsored content, affiliate marketing, or paid promotions. However, it is possible that in the future, the author may choose to monetize the Website to cover operational costs or generate income.

Affiliate Links and Advertising:

If the Website becomes monetized, it may include affiliate links and display advertising. Affiliate links are special links that may earn the author a small commission when users make purchases or perform certain actions through those links. These links and advertisements will be clearly marked, and the author will make reasonable efforts to disclose any potential conflicts of interest.

Impact on Content:

The author’s primary focus is to provide valuable and unbiased information, tips, and opinions. The potential monetization of the Website will not compromise the author’s integrity, and they will strive to maintain the highest level of transparency and honesty. The author will only endorse or recommend products, services, or brands that align with their values and that they genuinely believe will benefit the readers.

The presence of monetization does not guarantee favorable reviews or recommendations. The author’s opinions and recommendations will continue to be based on their personal experiences, research, and expertise.

Transparency and Trust:

The author values transparency and building trust with the readers. In the event of monetization, the author will clearly disclose their relationship with any brands, advertisers, or sponsors. The intent is to provide readers with all necessary information to make informed decisions about the products or services discussed on the Website.

Reader Responsibility:

Readers should exercise their own judgment and discretion when using any products, services, or recommendations mentioned on the Website. The author is not liable for any actions or consequences resulting from the use of such products, services, or recommendations.

Changes to Disclosure:

This disclosure page may be updated or modified as the Website’s monetization strategy evolves. Any changes will be clearly communicated on this page.

By accessing and using the Website, you acknowledge and agree to this disclosure and the terms of use.

Last updated: July 3rd, 2023